AVAERO CAPITAL PARTNERS – helping you achieve a better pipeline to investment.
Our expert team provides a unique and tailored focus in the aviation and aerospace services markets. Our long-standing relationships within the industry and related vertical sectors, allows us to provide a differentiated, strategic approach throughout our client engagements.
The aviation sector in Africa is currently experiencing unprecedented growth which surpasses aviation growth in US and Europe. This growth, which is being achieved despite the less-than-perfect-conditions on the continent, will continue to grow as the population and disposable income within Africa expands.
Local issues – including starting from a very low current market size in relation to population, long distances between destinations due to country/continent size, poor road infrastructure land travel security issues means air travel and shuttle services are the faster and safest option, a growing population with an increasing need to travel for business and leisure purposes – means aviation growth is going to continue for the foreseeable future.
The story of aviation in Africa has not always been a story of success, with safety issues, performance issues, and airline failure the examples often heard. But times are changing. Professionals with global aviation industry experience, foreign investment, technical advisors and technological innovations are changing the future of aviation in Africa to the point where Africa is widely expected to be the next Aviation frontier.
But where there is growth potential, there is a need for finance to match. The days of relying on bank finance alone to finance your aviation business has long gone. More innovative investment strategies are needed to access finance.
Headquartered in London (with partners in Nigeria and Canada), AVAERO CAPITAL PARTNERS is well placed to help aviation businesses achieve their objectives by utilising our multi-disciplinary skills to optimise your project/business to help you attract investment.
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