Economic Acttvity


Passengers in Africa


Annual Passenger
Growth projected


Aviation is a key driver of economic development and trade.
With a wide range of business within the industry itself - airports,
airlines, manufacturers, engineering and maintenance and air
navigation services, there is a wealth of B2B and B2C opportunities.

A Catalyst to Economic Development

Africa - The Next Aviation Frontier


IATA predicts c5% annual growth over next 20 years

6.9million jobs, $80billion in economic activity

419 airlines in Africa

731 airports in Africa

Africans make up 2.5% of the world's passengers.

Africans make up 12% of the world's population.

African aviation in stats



Aviation is a key driver of economic development and trade. With a wide range of business within the industry itself - airports, airlines, manufacturers, engineering and maintenance and air navigation services, there is a wealth of B2B and B2C opportunities.

A Catalyst to Economic Development

Africa - The Next Aviation Frontier


IATA predicts c5% annual growth over next 20 years

6.9million jobs, $80billion in economic activity

419 airlines in Africa

731 airports in Africa

Africans make up 2.5% of the world's passengers.

Africans make up 12% of the world's population.

African aviation in stats



Our Focus

Well placed to participate in the next aviation frontier.

Aviation Experience

A knowledgeable team of multi-disciplinary specialists.

Global Network

Local and global investment and advisory network.

Results Oriented

A common goal to achieve successful outcomes for all.

African Aviation Opportunities


AVAERO CAPITAL PARTNERS – the emerging market aviation specialists helping you achieve a better pipeline to investment.

Our expert team provides a unique and tailored focus in the aviation and aerospace services markets. Our long-standing relationships within the industry and related vertical sectors, allows us to provide a differentiated, strategic approach throughout our client engagements.

The aviation sector in Africa is currently experiencing unprecedented growth which surpasses aviation growth in US and Europe. This growth, which is being achieved despite the less-than-perfect-conditions on the continent, will continue to grow as the population and disposable income within Africa expands.

Local issues – including starting from a very low current market size in relation to population, long distances between destinations due to country/continent size, poor road infrastructure land travel security issues means air travel and shuttle services are the faster and safest option, a growing population with an increasing need to travel for business and leisure purposes – means aviation growth is going to continue for the foreseeable future.


AVAERO CAPITAL PARTNERS is focused on providing advisory and consultancy services for aviation and aerospace companies in Africa, the Caribbean and South America.

With over 50 years’ experience in aviation and capital advisory, our partners are best placed to assist you market your opportunity to investors around the world.

Africa – The Next Aviation Frontier

“Africa will grow by a CAGR of 4.6%. By 2037 it will see an extra 199 million passengers for a total market of 334 million passengers.” IATA 20-Year Air Passenger Forecast

Our Team

Sindy Foster

BA (Hons) Econ, Principal Managing Partner
Aviation Analyst & Founder of leading aviation and aerospace marketing agency with over 20 years’ experience advising companies around the world.

Chris Parkes

Partner - CPMS Africa
Founder of leading direct marketing agency in Nigeria with over 45 years’ experience in marketing and financial related industries.

Africa a New World of Aviation Opportunities

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