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Airport Charges and Economic Recovery: Ensuring the take-off of African airports – ACI Africa

Jul 22, 2020 11:00 am

The impact on the revenues of African airports for the second quarter of 2020 has been unprecedented, with a loss exceeding 90% of the revenue forecasts without the COVID-19 crisis. Airports cannot afford to remain in this situation any longer with many airports having already exhausted their meagre cash reserves by maintaining the airport facilities during the lockdown period and maintaining operations for cargo, humanitarian, repatriation and emergency flights despite not receiving any revenues.

This webinar will initially present the current economic situation of African airports and provide an outlook of the potential recovery. It will then outline the regulatory framework within which airports can determine the level of airport charges and discuss mutually beneficial agreements among airports, airlines, and regulators. Finally, the views and experiences of two African airports will be shared, with emphasis on the different economic and financial strategies adopted by these airports, including the consultative process with their respective government authorities, to find appropriate and sustainable relief measures during this ongoing crisis.

ACI Africa has accordingly lined up a panel of well-versed speakers in this field as follows:

  • Ali Tounsi, Secretary General, ACI Africa
  • Philippe Villard, Head Policy and Economics, ACI World
  • Siven Chellen, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Airports of Mauritius
  • Indranil Gupta, Managing Director, GSEZ Airport, Gabon

The webinar will be moderated by Mr. Romesh Bhoyroo, Director Strategy and Business Development of ACI Africa.


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July 22, 2020
11:00 am
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